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Ministries & Groups

There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit; there are all sorts of services to be done, but always the same Lord; working in all sorts of different ways in different people, it is the same God who is worshiped.

- I Corinthians 12: 3-7, 12-13

Liturgy & Worship


Altar Servers & Acolytes

Altar serving is one of the oldest ministries in the Church. It is a great opportunity to grow closer to God and to serve in a very solemn manner at the Mass. This ministry helps to assist the priest throughout Eucharistic celebrations and is for adults and children (10 and over).

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers assist the clergy to serve Holy Communion to our brothers and sisters in Christ at Mass.


The greeters are the people that our parishioners and visitors first meet upon entering the Church.


A lector is the person who proclaims the first or second reading at Mass. This person also may lead the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass.


Youth Ministry

Youth Group

St. Demo's has a vibrant and active youth community where our young parishioners can come together in friendship and fun, getting to know one another and getting to know Jesus Christ. For more information, contact our Youth Ministry Coordinator, Isabelle Strong:

Phone: 1-844-472-7474
Email: help@parishpal.com